Kirsten Backstrom

About Me

I've been exploring dreams, on my own and with others, all my life, and began to do dreamwork professionally in 2010. I founded Compass Dreamwork, where I offered programs on dreams (healing dreams, death dreams, world dreams...) as well as individual and group dreamwork. I also maintain a website and blog at I'm still doing individual dreamwork virtually, but have suspended most of the other projects for the time being due to ill health. My background is in hospice, eldercare, and bereavement care as a chaplain, pastoral counselor, spiritual director and volunteer--and this work has had a significant influence on my approach to dreams. I have a B.A. in Human Ecology, an M.A. in Applied Theology, and certification in Pastoral Care and Counseling (Marylhurst University), and Dream Work Facilitation (Marin Institute for Projective Dreamwork, with Jeremy Taylor). I love this work!


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